This video offers viewers an inside look at 80 of the most luxurious and expensive homes around the world. From massive mansions to stunning beachfront properties, you’ll get a glimpse into how the ultra-wealthy live.

The tour takes you inside sprawling estates with features like private movie theaters, indoor pools, and even a car showroom. No expense has been spared on materials and amenities in these multi-million dollar luxury properties. Expect to see gorgeous architecture, jaw-dropping views, and cutting-edge smart home technology.

Some highlights include an LA mansion with a giant candy wall, a Miami Beach property with its own baseball field, and a European chateau styled after Versailles. Whether your real estate dreams involve ultramodern designs or old world luxury homes, this video has something for every millionaire and billionaire.

Get inspiration for your fantasy home as you gaze in wonder at these incredible, one-of-a-kind dream houses. From the gleaming fountains to the master suites bigger than most apartments, it’s easy to see why these mansions cost a fortune.

This is a must-watch for any real estate aficionado or anyone who enjoys peeking inside the world’s most glamorous and expensive properties. These jaw-dropping homes are the definition of extravagance.